#65: Feeling Drained? Discover How Staying Hydrated Can Re-energise Your Day
We live busy lives filled with chores and responsibilities, leaving many of us feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Factors like the food we eat, the drinks we consume (including alcohol), the air we breathe, electromagnetic pollution, lack of movement, and insufficient sleep all impact our energy levels. While we can’t change everything at once—like those power lines hovering over our homes—there is one simple step you can take today to boost your energy: drink more high-quality water.
The Importance of Hydration
You've likely heard the saying, “water is life.” Our bodies are composed of approximately 75% water, which plays many essential roles. It helps maintain a stable environment within and around our cells, allowing for nutrient absorption and toxin elimination. Staying well-hydrated is crucial for detoxification and overall health.
As busy mums, we often forget to drink enough water and may find ourselves chronically dehydrated. Signs of dehydration include low energy, headaches, difficulty concentrating, and irritability—all of which contribute to fatigue. It’s important to note that drinks like sodas, juices, coffee, and tea do not count as hydration; many can actually worsen dehydration. Drinking enough quality water is one of the easiest changes that tired mums can make to feel more energised.
How Much Water Do You Need?
You might be concerned that drinking more water means more frequent trips to the toilet, but don’t worry! If you choose quality water with the right mineral content, you won’t need to run to the bathroom constantly. Staying away from caffeine can also help reduce this issue.
So, how much water should you aim to drink? Here’s a simple calculation:
For ounces: Drink half your body weight in ounces.
For litres: Multiply your body weight in kilograms by 0.033.
If you are physically active and sweat often, you may need to increase your intake.
Choosing the Right Water
Unfortunately, tap water often contains substances that can negatively affect your health and energy levels. Many tap waters have high pH levels, toxic metals, and chemicals like chlorine and fluoride. Investing in a good quality filtration system may be crucial. Look for a system that eliminates harmful chemicals and bacteria while retaining beneficial minerals. Ideally, the water you drink should have a hardness factor of 170 mg/L or more and total dissolved solids of 300 or more.
Remember, we also hydrate through our skin. A whole-house filtration system can help prevent absorption of harmful chemicals while you shower or bathe.
If you cannot get the home filtration system and you know that your tap water is of poor quality, you might need to explore bottled water options. Glass bottled water is ideal, but if that’s not available, opt for clean plastic containers and store them in a cool, dark place. If your water tastes like plastic, it may have been improperly stored, so discard it. Some of the best quality bottled waters available worldwide include Evian, Volvic, Vittel, Fiji, and Trinity. Water from an artesian well is excellent.
What to Avoid
Milk, coffee, sodas, and juices are not substitutes for water. If possible, avoid these beverages, with the exception of raw milk and fresh, slow-pressed juice consumed immediately after processing, which can nourish the body without stressing the liver (but we’ll explore that in another post).
Replacing water with these beverages can lead to various negative health effects, including:
Tooth decay
Sugar addiction
Caffeine dependency
Insulin resistance, potentially leading to syndrome X and diabetes
Increased risk of osteoporosis
Severity of kidney stones
Attention deficit disorder
Key Hydration Tips
Drinking high-quality water is essential for your health and that of your family. Here are some important tips:
Drink high-quality water with dissolved solids of 300 or greater and a hardness factor of 170,
Drink your water 15 min before meals, don’t drink too much with your meal,
Track your intake, I have created an easy tracker that you can download here,
Always keep a water bottle handy while running errands (preferably aluminium or glass). Try to avoid adding anything other than salt to your water most of the time, as other additives can stress your digestive system. Your digestion needs rest, too! Enjoy your favourite teas around mealtimes but aim to drink only water in between.
By staying adequately hydrated, you’ll notice improvements in your energy levels, skin health, and overall alertness. Remember, drinking water is one of the simplest and most effective ways to maintain your health and vitality. The best part? You can start right away and experience the benefits!
My free 10-Minute Pre-Bed Exercises for Stressed and Tired Mums: Relax Your Body and Mind for a Better Night’s Sleep are coming soon! Sign up for the waiting list to be the first to get access!
You’ve got this!
With love,
The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need, Paul Chek
Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, James L. Wilson, N.D., D.C., Ph.D.
How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy! – Paul Chek