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Nutrition Week 4:

This is the journey that requires focus and patience. But when you find your own fuel mix you will be rewarded with unlimited energy and healthy, your optimal body weigh and great mood. If you think you have already found your best macro split you can now start testing different foods by using the FINE TUNE YOUR MACROS file. I you need more time don’t stress. It is not a race. If you need more time to discover what works for you take as much as you need. And don’t forget that you can always ask for advise and help. At this point you may also start noticing some food sensitivities. The FINE TUNE YOUR MACROS file is perfect for you to identify some of them.

If you like stats and numbers you can use My Fitness Pal App to track your nutrition. This is still a very challenging week so ask for help whenever you need it. At the end of the week plan your meals for the next week, prepare recipes and make a shopping list. If you cannot avoid eating out try to plan in advance to what restaurant you will go and what food you will order there.

  • If you feel well or even better after adding your starchy vegetables to your dinner, add one tablespoon to your lunch and then one tablespoon to your breakfast. for dinner, then lunch and then breakfast.

  • If that goes well raise your starchy vegetable intake to two tablespoons per meal, starting with dinner, than lunch, than breakfast

  • Than if that is still fine substitute your starchy carbohydrates with some grains.

  • Continue increasing your carbohydrate intake slowly, until you start experiencing some ‘old’ symptoms like fatigue, depression, mood swings, sweet cravings, digestion problems, etc. When that happens you will start decreasing your carbohydrates gradually until you start feeling well again. If you have any degree of uncertainty you can always start from the beginning.

  • Eat until you are full but not stuffed

  • Use your FINE TUNE YOUR MACROS file to mark how you feel after each meal. The more information you gather the easier it will be for you to understand when you overeat your carbs as well as identify foods that don’t serve you

  • Have snacks between meals of the same food choice

  • Drink plenty water: 2.5-3l/day is your target

  • If you feel overwhelmed let us know. Share your experience, questions and doubts in our Facebook group. There is always minimum one more person who will feel the same but may not want to talk about it.