Tired Mum Fitness

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#25: My favourite and super easy exercises that help me get rid of neck and back pain due to nursing and breastfeeding

I love nursing Freya. Since she was born I’ve treasured these special moments. She is 18 months now and as we are thinking about getting pregnant with the second baby this year (I’ll be 41 when we start trying again, so we don’t want to keep on postponing it any longer) I am now trying to stop breastfeeding. It is quite a difficult time for both Freya and me.

Yet, despite it being a wonderful time, it was also quite a painful time sometimes.

And I don’t mean “bleeding nipple” pain (I still remember the first week of breastfeeding as well as nursing after being bitten… that wasn’t fun at all 😊) but neck pain. It bothered me the most at the very beginning, in the first 12 weeks postpartum, before I started exercising again. Afterwards it happened less and less and honestly I don’t remember anymore when was the last time.

Having a comfy feeding chair is one way to avoid neck pains and aches.

The second one, more beneficial to our body, is to do the right exercises before or as soon as we start feeling any discomfort.

I know by experience that it is difficult to find time and energy to prevent all those potential pains and aches in the first weeks after having a baby. But as soon as you feel that something isn’t right, do the right exercises to avoid long term, annoying, painful neck problems.

The workout I did when my neck was aching doesn’t take more than 10 minutes.

Keep on repeating it at least once a day, until the pain is gone. Afterwards try to do these exercises at least once a week to stay pain free.

All you need is a foam roller, a belt and a mat (optional).

1.       Neck release

Lay down on your back on the floor, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor. Place the roller under your neck. Relax your shoulders and place your hands on the floor. Slowly turn your head to the left. If you feel any tender spots keep it like that for 3-5 breaths (breathe through your nose). Then slowly turn your head to the right. Repeat this exercise 4-6 times on each side.

2.       Back extension release

Stay on your back and place the roller under your shoulder blades. Wobble a bit to find the most comfortable spot. With your hands next to your hips start gently dropping your head towards the floor, extending your back. If your head doesn’t touch the floor then grab a cushion and place it under your head. You shouldn’t feel any pain while doing this exercise (including neck pain). If that feels comfortable slowly lift your hands above your head and try to touch them to the floor. Stop that movement as soon as you feel any pain or discomfort. Hold it here for about 5 breaths.

3.       Scapula push ups

Get on all 4s with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Breathe in and pull your belly button to your spine. Separate your shoulder blades pushing your chest away from the floor and stretching the back muscles between your shoulder blades. Hold it for 1-2 sec and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold again for 1-2 sec. This is one full rep. Repeat 5-6 times.

4.       Shoulder to ear

Stay on all 4s with your stomach tight. Slowly drive one shoulder to your ear while pushing the other one as far away as possible. Change sides. Repeat 5-6 times on each side.

5.       Cat - cow

Stay on all 4s. Pull your stomach in. Breathe in and as you breathe out bend your spine like a cat and drop your chin to your chest. Hold for 1-2 secs and arch your back while looking up like a cow. Hold for another 1-2 sec. This makes one full rep. Repeat 5-6 times.

6.       Back extension

Lay down on the floor on your front. Extend your arms to your sides, with hands next to your hips. Rotate your thumbs out with palms facing the floor. As you rotate your arms you should feel a gentle stretch in your chest. Pull your shoulders back and down and slowly lift your chest up. Squeeze your glutes and drive your pubic bone to the floor to avoid any excess tension in your lower back. Lift your hands up and try to bring them together as much as possible. Hold for 10 sec. Repeat 3-6 times

7.       Shoulder dislocation (grab a belt)

Sit down with your feet crossed or stand up. Grab the belt with both hands and drive your hands above your had and down to your hips. Make sure both your hands are straight while doing this exercise. If either arm bends, bring your hands a bit wider on the belt. Return to the starting position with your hands in front of your hips. This is one rep. Repeat up to 8 times.

8.       Spinal twist stretch

Lay down on the floor on your back with your legs straight. Bring your left knee up, grab it with your right hand and slowly drop it to the right. Extend your left hand to the side and look to the left. Drive the left knee towards the floor and don’t worry if your right hand isn’t touching the floor. Hold it for about 30 seconds, breathing deeply through your nose. As you keep on relaxing your left hand may touch the floor by the end of these 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side.


These were my favourite neck and back exercises that always worked for me, whenever my neck started aching and I hope they work for you as well. Do them at least once a day until your neck pain is gone. I would also recommend a magnesium spray that will help your muscles to relax and recover.

Finally, if you get the chance to have a professional massage please take it.

Being a new mum is massively challenging to our body and it needs more care than before (who has time for it you ask? I totally understand however avoiding pain is priceless, especially now).

In the end, being a mum is a hard physical work, without sick days or holidays.

We have to stay fit and healthy to be able to take care of the little one.

With love,

